QuickScript v0.1 - Speed up tedious tasks
QuickScript is a simple add-on that I'll keep updating with useful scripts to speed up tedious tasks (that I run into when modelling for games).
V.01 contains the following:
Remove Modifiers by Name: Allows you to type in a modifier name and removes it on all selected objects. No more cycling through objects trying to get one specific modifier out.
Apply Modifiers by Name: Allows you to type in the modifier name that you want applied on all selected objects (only applies if the object has the modifier you specified).
Reset UV Map: Removes all other UV maps and leaves just the first one and renames that to a name of your choosing.
- In Blender go to Edit -> Preferences, navigate to Add-ons and press the Install... button at the top
- Select the QuickScript.py file and install it.
- QuickScript should now be attached to the side panel of your viewport. If you don't see the side panel, press N in the viewport.
If you want to remove or apply a Subdivision modifier you have to use the names below:
Array = ARRAY
Bevel = BEVEL
Boolean = BOOLEAN
Build = BUILD
Cast = CAST
Cloth = CLOTH
Collision = COLLISION
Convex Hull = CONVEX_HULL
Curve = CURVE
Data Transfer = DATA_TRANSFER
Decimate = DECIMATE
Displace = DISPLACE
Edge Split = EDGE_SPLIT
Explode = EXPLODE
Laplacian Deform = LAPLACIAN_DEFORM
Lattice = LATTICE
Mask = MASK
Mirror = MIRROR
Multi Resolution = MULTIRESOLUTION
Ocean = OCEAN
Particle Instance = PARTICLE_INSTANCE
Particle System = PARTICLE_SYSTEM
Remesh = REMESH
Shrinkwrap = SHRINKWRAP
Simple Deform = SIMPLE_DEFORM
Smooth = SMOOTH
Solidify = SOLIDIFY
Subdivision Surface = SUBSURF
Surface Deform = SURFACE_DEFORM
Triangulate = TRIANGULATE
Warp = WARP
Wave = WAVE
Wireframe = WIREFRAME